2024 Facility Planning Committee
Bland ISD determined that the establishment of a Facility Planning Committee would provide the best means of developing a bond proposal to be placed before the voters of the City. This committee will help with the planning and prepping stages of the bond, as well as the bond itself.
Charge of Committee
To help the district plan for the future, the Facility Planning Committee is charged to:
Analyzing the feasibility of recommending to the School Board that they call an election for the purpose of passing General Obligation Bond authorizations. Such analysis shall include examining what projects shall be recommended for placement before the voters for consideration, as well as recommending bond amounts and an issuance timing schedule.
Assess and prioritize the district’s current and long-term facility needs, including, but not limited to:
District and city growth and capacity
Building age, safety, and condition
Land acquisition
Energy efficiency and sustainable features
Develop and prioritize potential projects, including new construction, renovations/additions, technology, equipment, and other areas that may arise from community input
Consider the needs of all community members and align recommendations with the district’s mission, vision, and goals
Represent the entire community’s, values, and perceptions, and seek input from other residents
Consider the district’s current financial position and funding methods to develop a recommendation that is fiscally sound
Make a recommendations that address the district’s growth and facility needs based on the Committee’s identified priorities